Get The Help You Need For The Harvests You Want

Whether you need a quick video call or a full garden installation, I will show you how to get the harvests you want!

Get Your Garden Questions Answered In A Virtual Call

Why are my leaves turning colors?  How do I get these bugs off of my plant?  What is happening to my tomatoes?  These common questions and so many more are answered in a virtual coaching call. Book yours now and and let's grow!

Who is this session for?  This session is for the gardener who needs to work through simple issues with a trusted mentor.

Book A Virtual Coaching Session

Schedule a “Garden House Call” For An In Person Visit

Are you stumped with troubles in your garden? Do you have questions about your garden that you haven’t been able to solve? Don't know where to begin and are tired of trying to figure it all out on your own? Schedule a house call and get the help you need for the harvests you want.

Who is this session for?  This session is for the gardener who has concerns in her garden that would be best addressed with an in person visit more than a virtual call.

Book A "Garden House Call"

Take Your Garden From Underperforming To Overproducing In 3 Sessions

Don't let another season go by without an overflowing harvest basket. Book this three session package and begin with a virtual call to discuss your goals. Then in your second session join Kellye in your garden to see what is keeping you from reaching your goals.  And finally, in your third session, we will virtually check on your progress.

Who is this package for?  This package is best for the gardener who would like accountability and direction as she transforms her garden into an overproducing powerhouse.

Book The "In Your Garden" Package

Start With A Dream and End With A Garden

In my most comprehensive package, which includes 3 virtual coaching sessions and 2 in your garden sessions, you will receive 4 hours of coaching time PLUS a custom garden design plan AND a shopping list for the nursery. This package can also include the installation of your garden (click here to apply for custom garden installation). In this package I will walk you through every step of turning your dream into a beautiful growing garden.

Who is this session for?  This session is for the busy woman who does not yet have a garden or who has a garden that needs an overhaul, but who is ready to transform her space with a trusted mentor.

Book The "Your New Garden" Package

Hi! I'm Kellye! 

I would love to grow with you!!  I created Wild Child Kitchen Gardens for busy women just like you because you are just like me.  I know what you need to be successful, and I will teach it to you and show you how to grow your own food in the space you have, with the time you've got...toddlers in tow, baby on hip, with an aching back, single, married, newly wed, or retired. There is a wild child program for you! I can't wait to show you how much you can grow!