What's Included In The Course

8 Module Online Course That Includes:
  • Teaching Videos
  • Written Modules
  • Academy Workbook
  • Homework to keep you on track
Online Garden Planning Session For Every Season
  • Plan your garden to maximize space and increase harvests.
  • Learn how to intensively plant to reach your goals.
  • See how to add in herbs and flowers alongside your vegetables.
  • Take notes and be inspired, or simply copy the plans given.
LIVE Coaching Sessions

Every module features a coaching session where you can get your questions answered as you grow.  Learn from others who have gone before you or ask a new question. Get the help you need for the harvests you want.

  • Replays are uploaded to the library for you to refer back to.
  • You do not need to be coached to benefit from coaching.

The Academy workbook will be a resource that you refer back to over and over throughout the season.

  • Highlights from each module.
  • Note taking space for each module

Purchase For Yourself

Join the Academy and become a gardener in as little as weeks below.

I Am Buying For Me!

Give As A Gift

Purchase the Academy and give a gift that keeps on giving to someone you love.

This Is A Gift!

What Previous Academy Students Are Saying

Miranda B.

My garden has been a refuge during a very difficult season.  I am so glad that I took the plunge and joined the Wild Child Kitchen Garden Academy in the spring.

Angel M.

I could not envision this when I started the class!  I watched everyone's huge gardens and didn't expect mine to grow this way.   So proud and in love with these plants.

Janel Z.

My little garden sure has come a long way! I had the desire to grow a garden, but I didn't have the knowledge, mentoring, and support!  So glad I found my people!


This Course Is For...

  • The gardener who want to grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers in any space.
  • The gardener who has been less than thrilled with gardens in the past (or present).
  • Anyone who dreams of fresh, garden to table meals, but doesn't know where to begin.

Hi! I'm Kellye Jeansonne


I am the founder of Wild Child Kitchen Gardens, and I teach and inspire busy women to grow gorgeous food in any space.  I have made all the mistakes of backyard gardening and tried so many methods over the years.  Now, I use what I have learned from my mistakes to keep you from making the same ones!  What I have learned is that we all have green thumbs, we just need someone to help us find ours sometimes!

I would be honored to be the person that helps you find your green thumb!  Jump in to the Academy and LET'S GREAUX!