A Wild Child Garden In November
Nov 15, 2024
We think we grow gardens, but the truth is that the garden grows us. And the more we grow, the more our capacity to grow grows. It is a funny thing that I often don’t think much about until the leaves start to fall. But in this season’s slow down, it is always comes to my mind. The looking back and the remembering when seems to be so much more common at the end of the year, and I guess rightly so. We are about to turn a page after all. The growing that we are privileged enough to experience as gardeners is really a beautiful thing to consider. It is miraculous really.
We grow a garden, and the garden grows us, if we let her. She is an incredible teacher, if we listen to her, and if we take the time to get to know her, trust her, and understand her, she will give back to us in more ways than we can imagine. That is what it is all about. The planting is fun, and the harvests are nice, but it is in the growing that all the magic happens.
What Im Planting
In November I am filling in the corners and rotating the roots. Those are two key components to the wild child gardening method, and November is prime time. As we get to see the big bullies of the garden begin to take over, we are able to see what we have space for. Not much. But in the corners, there is always room. So that is where my focus will be this month.
And this time of year, the garden begs for garlic. At least my garden does. So we have to give the soil what she wants. Garlic is a long term veggie though, so don’t get overzealous with it. One clove creates one head, You don’t need many. Break apart a head and plant each clove somewhere that you don’t mind them being until June or July. It is worth it.
FEVERFEW is one of my favorite herbs to grow in the cool season, and really you can grow it year round. Purchase a transplant at the nursery when you see one and enjoy its medicinal properties all winter long. Feverfew is great for migraines, arthritis, toothaches, and inflammation. But in the spring the beauty begins. Don’t remove your feverfew in spring. Instead, let it flower. Because it does this!! It is a chamomile type flower, but much more sturdy and long lasting. This herbs is a showstopper! I share more about my love for feverfew in this week's podcast episode.
In this week's podcast, I also share about planting ranunculus. A MUST GROW!! So darn easy. I know. You're intimidated by it. I get it. I was too. Then I bought a pack of 10 corms and decided to give it a go. It was foolproof. This year I am planting 250 corms. And I cannot wait. I have no fear and all the confidence. I know that these beauties will grow. Hear more about growing ranunculus in this week's podcast episode!!
And of course, let us not forget the sweet peas. Oh my word!! There are only a few things to know about growing sweet peas. First, you need to sprout them before you plant them. All this means is that you will place your seeds in a wet paper towel for a few days, keeping the paper towel moist until they sprout. Then you will plant them against a trellis or climbing structure of some kind. These ladies like to climb. The second thing you need to know is that their germination can be unpredictable, so plant more than you need. And finally, plant a few seeds every few weeks to ensure more chances of blooms. Sweet peas are frost tolerant but not cold hardy. That means that if we get a freeze and your peas have flowers, you will lose them. By constantly planting, we increase our chances that we will get flowers. And that is the most important thing to know. You want these flowers.
Strawberries are all the rage this month!! Every nursery is posting about them and the plants are going to sell out as fast as they come in. Get a bundle and find a space for them because In my class The Secrets of Strawberries I will show you how to plant them, grow them, and enjoy them. Did you know that strawberries are perennials? They will last years in the same space. They are my must plant fruit this month. They will produce for you for years and years to come, so this fruit is a fabulous investment.
What I'm Picking
But of course the garden isn't just about the planting. In November, there is so much to pick. We are pulling radishes weekly now, it seems there is always a patch of them ready. That is because of how we plant them. Wild child gardeners are smart planters. We like to plant them in groups all over the garden. Across the fronts of our beds and in the corners, again, are great spots. And we harvest one group at a time. And when we pick it, we plant it right back at the same time. You can do this with any root vegetable, really. So don't be afraid of more carrots, more beets, and more turnips. Keep them coming! You will be so glad you have them.
And it is time to get all of the warm season veggies out!! They are only going to slow down with the shortened daylight hours, so make sure you harvest all of your pumpkins, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, and more before the first frost. If you wait until after, they will be a big mess and really hard to get out!! Do it now so that you can enjoy them. Need a delicious pumpkin chili recipe from one of our Wild Child Garden Club mentors?? Here ya go!! The first frost can be such a memory maker!! Don't miss it!!
We are also picking lots of leafy greens. We call this giving haircuts in the wild child garden. We harvest leafy greens like we tidy up the house. This means that we pick the leaves that are in the way, overgrown, or unsightly for some reason or another. By continue to practice tidying up in the garden, we have collards, chard, and mustard, almost every night with supper, and the garden stays beautiful. And the lettuce. Oh my word the lettuce!! So much lettuce. Salads all day! Consider haircuts in your garden. You will be so happy to always be picking and having a garden that never looks like you have picked a thing. Such a fun way to grow.
We wait eagerly on our broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, and we know those Brussels aren't even close. That is why it is so good to have diversity in the garden. When you have lots growing, you have lots of options. No, the broccoli isn't ready, but the collards and the radishes are. And we have lettuce for salad every night as we keep an eye on the beets because they are almost there! This is the wild child way.
What I'm Planning
Maybe the most exciting part of the garden in November is all the planning. Right now we are planning to plant fruit, we are planning to plant onions, we are planning to plant our tulips, daffodils, and narcissus, and we are planning for the holidays from the garden. The garden gives. And we get to share all that she is giving with those that we love. It is so much fun, and truly one of the best parts of gardening. Whether it is a jar of pesto or pepper jelly, a beautiful herb bouquet, a basket of your harvests, or a bag of satsumas, November is the fall garden's Super Bowl. This is a month of beauty, and we don't want to miss even a second of it.
The plans this month are to order our tulip bulbs and put them in the refrigerator by Thanksgiving. This is a must. They have to believe its winter right now (even though it is 80 degrees outside) if we want to get the beautiful blooms. So order them and get them in the fridge. Trust me on this.
If you are thinking to yourself that it sure would be nice to have a plan for your garden year, well, it is your lucky day because the BRAND NEW 2025 Wild Child Calendar is available TODAY!!! With all of the important planting dates, chores to complete each month, and plants to make sure you plant, this calendar has it all. It has all the technical stuff, but more than that, it has all the beauty and the in season vibes that you love!! Get yours HERE before they sell out!!!
Now would it be November if we weren't planning for the holidays. A Thanksgiving meal from the garden, Christmas gifts wrapped from the garden, cozy soups and pies from the garden, tis the season for it all, and I am here for it!! Make sure you are following me on social media @wildchildkitchengardens to stay up to date on all of the holiday fun right from the garden.
Download the full pdf of the this month's planting guide HERE, and get a beautiful bucket list of ideas for more wild child living this month.