Composting Made Easy

Composting is fast, easy, and inexpensive when you compost the wild child way.  Save your seat for this brand new class!

In this class:

  • Learn the wild child method of composting to save time and money.

  • Learn the the fastest and easiest method of composting available.

  • Learn the secrets of composting to work less and harvest more.


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What People Are Saying:

Iā€™m certain some of my pepper plants are already bigger than they were at the end of the season last year. šŸ˜šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Last year I planted 8 tomato plants soil was about 2 years old ā€¦ produced well but not like this 3rd year ! Soil growth and planting early was the key for me!


$19.00 USD